A Christmas Childhood Memory

Wolf Paul, 2020-12-18

(Hier gibt es eine deutsche Version dieses Beitrags)

Growing up we had a large print of a Madonna with Child hanging in our living room which has left a lasting impression.

The picture on our wall looked like the left half of the picture at the top of this page, “Four Shepherds”, and I think what impressed me was its simplicity when compared to the usual statues and pictures of the  mother of Christ in Roman Catholic Austria. Neither mother nor Child have a halo, for example.1 To me, the color scheme communicates serenity, calm, and security.

I chose to post the picture “Four Shepherds” here, instead of just the Madonna with Child, because it fits very well with the Christmas season.

The artist, Albin Egger-Lienz, was born in 1868 and died in 1926, and worked mostly in Munich, Vienna, and the Tyrol. His reputation and reception post-World War II suffered from the fact that several high-ranking Nazis had praised his work — but so had Leo Trotsky.

  1. The artist painted several versions of this Madonna and Child motif, some in different colors, and some with halos.

Nailed To The Cross (Music Video)

Wolf Paul,

Die Musik-Videos der Fountainview Academy sind immer wieder eine Ermutigung und Inspiration für mich.

The music videos from Fountainview Academy are such an encouragement and inspiration to me.

  1. There was One who was willing to die in my stead,
    That a soul so unworthy might live,
    And the path to the cross He was willing to tread,
    All the sins of my life to forgive.


They are nailed to the cross,
They are nailed to the cross,
O how much He was willing to bear!
With what anguish and loss,
Jesus went to the cross!
But He carried my sins with Him there.

  1. He is tender and loving and patient with me,
    While He cleanses my heart of its dross;
    But “there’s no condemnation,” I know I am free,
    For my sins are all nailed to the cross.

  2. I will cling to my Savior and never depart –
    I will joyfully journey each day
    With a song on my lips and a song in my heart,
    That my sins have been taken away.

Author: Carrie Ellis Breck, 1989

Using Let’s Encrypt Certificates in the Private Lan

Wolf Paul, 2020-12-14

I find it increasingly irritating that modern browsers insist on complaining more or less annoyingly about http:// URLS or websites with self-signed certificates, and that there is no easy way of turning these complaints off. (more…)

Meine Meinung — My Opinion

Wolf Paul,

Ich poste meine Meinung sowohl auf Facebook als auch hier in diesem Blog, und ich tue das natürlich deshalb, weil ich meine Meinung für richtig und nicht ganz unwichtig erachte. Trotzdem ist es gut, hin und wieder daran erinnert zu werden, daß meine Meinung im Gesamtzusammenhang aller Dinge letztlich relativ belanglos ist und wahrscheinlich nicht viel ändert.

I post my opinion both on Facebook and here in this Blog, and of course I do so because I view my opinion as correct and not entirely insignificant. Nevertheless it is good to be occasionally reminded that in the overall scheme of things my opinion is not very important and probably changes little, if anything.

(Das Bild ist mir auf Facebook untergekommen, war nur auf Englisch, und sprach von “deine Meinung”. Ich habe es auf “meine Meinung” umgemünzt und zweisprachig gemacht.
I came across this picture on Facebook, where it was English only and talked about “your opinion”. I changed to talk about “my opinion” and made it bilingual.)

Der VfGH kippt das Verbot der Beihilfe zum Suizid

Wolf Paul,

Wie “Die Presse” berichtet, hat der Verfassungsgerichtshof entschieden, daß das Verbot “ausnahmslos jeder Art der Beihilfe zur Selbsttötung” verfassungswidrig ist.

Das ist ein halber Dammbruch:

Zum Einen bleibt die Tötung auf Verlangen weiterhin verboten und strafbar, und zum Anderen liegt es jetzt bei der Politik, den Rahmen abzustecken, innerhalb dessen die Beihilfe zur Selbsttötung erlaubt ist.

Das große Problem bei einem halben Dammbruch ist, daß die dadurch in Bewegung gesetzten Wassermassen früher oder später den ganzen Damm wegspülen. In diesem Fall heißt das, wenn wir es nicht schaffen, die Beihilfe zum Suizid so zu regeln, daß es der Verfassung entspricht, bleibt sie ungeregelt erlaubt, und dann wächst auch der Druck, die Tötung auf Verlangen zu erlauben, da sie ja nur eine Sonderform der Beihilfe zur Selbsttötung darstellt.

Eine Reaktion auf diese Entscheidung, die mir in den Sozialen Medien untergekommen ist, ist:

Wir müssen alles unternehmen, um sicherzustellen, daß in unserer Gesellschaft niemand den Wunsch verspürt, seinem Leben verfrüht ein Ende zu setzen.

Und während das ein lobenswerter Gedanke ist, ist er meiner Meinung nach auch eine Utopie. Realistisch gesehen kann man nicht sicherstellen, daß niemand so sehr am Leben verzweifelt, daß er es beenden will; dazu sind die Gründe dafür zu vielfältig.

Vielmehr müssen wir dafür eintreten, und unsere Parlamentarier müssen dafür eintreten, daß die Regierung möglichst bald neue Regeln formuliert, die den Schaden dieser Entscheidung möglichst begrenzt:

Wir müssen sicherstellen, daß niemand dazu gedrängt wird, sein irdisches Leben selbst oder mit fremder Hilfe verfrüht zu beenden, und daß es weiterhin erlaubt bleibt, diese neue Rechtslage als moralisch und ethisch problematisch zu bezeichnen.

Denn die Erfahrung in anderen Ländern, und auch auf anderen Gebieten, hat gezeigt, daß, sobald etwas einmal erlaubt ist, dann wächst sehr schnell der Druck, getrieben von vielen Interessen und Motiven, es auch zu tun: also z.B. lieber Schluß zu machen, als den Kindern und dem Gesundheitssystem zur Last zu fallen. Und es wächst dann auch der Druck, jede negative Meinungsäußerung zu dem Thema zu unterlassen oder massiv ausgegrenzt zu werden.

Wie bei so vielen anderen Themen glaube ich nicht, daß wir es schaffen werden, das Ruder komplett herumzureißen – in einer Demokratie kann eine “kleine Schar” (was wir lt. Jesus sind) nicht erwarten, die Gesetze ganz in unserem Sinne zu bestimmen — alle derartigen Versuche haben in der Vergangenheit zu negativen Entwicklungen geführt. Aber Selbstbestimmung gilt in unserer Gesellschaft als hohes und schützenswertes Gut, und unter diesem Titel müssen wir alle Anstrengungen unternehmen, den Dammbruch möglichst lange aufzuhalten.

Parlamentarische Gebetsfeier und die Zustände auf Lesbos

Wolf Paul, 2020-12-13

Ich habe mich bis jetzt zurückgehalten mit einem Kommentar zur parlamentarischen Gebetsveranstaltung vorige Woche, weil ich genau DIE Bilder vor Augen hatte, die Klaus Schwertner hier beschreibt. (more…)

A Banana Republic?

Wolf Paul,

In a recent Facebook discussion I had expressed concern at the number of Trump supporters who are unwilling to accept court decisions which reject election fraud claims. They feel that these judges have betrayed Trump and the nation. After the Supreme Court refused to hear the lawsuit filed by Texas against four other states, President Trump himself echoed these sentiments, with a number of tweets, including this one:

In reply to my comment one person commented, “It’s about the voters who need to see a honest, transparent election,” and posted a link to a blog post from mid-2017, Transparency Is Solution to Shameful Lack of Security For US Voting Systems Revealed by NSA Leak .

Another person asserted that the election was rigged because a Biden administration would be “evil, a replay of Obama, it would cater to the Chinese, pay Iran, kill more unborn, USA and her legal citizens be damned.”

Here is my take on all this:

There are basically three views of this election:

One, that it basically worked just fine. Some mistakes may have occurred which are not surprising considering the scale of the country and the election, but they did not materially alter the result, and there wasn’t widespread fraud, and

Two, that the whole election was largely rigged, with fraudulently manipulated equipment and software whose manufacturers are part or wholly owned by the Chinese government, votes transferred to German servers to be altered, all in order to steal the election from Trump, and all with the collusion of state officials, even Republican ones.

Three, the election was rigged because of the outcome. The fact that this person views Biden with disdain and expects decisions and policies which s/he considers immoral and bad for the country and its citizens makes this a rigged election. It really has nothing to do with how many people actually voted for Trump or for Biden, the outcome is what makes it rigged. For this reason, it doesn’t matter what the courts say about lack of evidence of fraud, the outcome is bad, so it’s rigged. This view is so far out there that I am not going to say much about it, except that it re-defines what “rigged election” means — this view of “rigged election” is totally subjective and not subject to scrutiny by the courts. There is simply no basis on which one can rationally debate this view.

Of course, Trump has been incessantly preaching the second viewpoint since long before Nov 3 — but he didn’t do anything about it: no federal investigation, no court cases, nothing. The blog linked above about potential security flaws in the EViD software proves my point: it is from 2017, but apparently nothing was done about the report it cites or the concerns it raises.

The whole point of Trump’s badmouthing of the election seemed to be to make sure that in case he lost the election, his supporters would refuse to accept the result. He also nominated lots of conservative judges and justices, obviously with the expectation that in a post-election showdown they will support him.

So the election happens; he loses, and it all plays out exactly as planned, except that by and large the courts, even the ones chaired by judges nominated by Trump and earlier GOP presidents, reject his claims of rigging, fraud, and manipulation. The Supreme Court will not even hear a case brought by Texas’ Attorney General to invalidate the results in four swing states.

And Trump’s supporters are SO fired up by his incessant tweets that many come to the conclusion that the courts, and especially the GOP nominated judges and justices, have betrayed Trump and thus the country.

This is NOT about an honest, transparent election: if Trump had won they would not have cared one bit about this – they didn’t in 2016. It is about the conviction Trump has drummed into their heads that the only way he could loose is if the election were rigged.

That message coming from Trump for most of a year prior to Nov 3 (and continuing since then) is the hallmark of a sore loser, and while a sore loser is annoying in sports and games it is outright dangerous in the politics of what is still the most powerful nation on earth.

Americans are fond to say, “We’re not a democracy, we’re a republic!” — true, but it’s quickly turning into a banana republic.

Menschwerdung / Becoming Human

Wolf Paul, 2020-12-08

Kenneth Tanner:

(English original is here)

„Menschwerdung heißt, für das Leben der Welt zu sterben, und vom Tode auferweckt zu werden zu einem Leben ohne Ende in dieser Welt, auch über den Tod hinaus. (more…)