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Wolf’s Notes

… about faith, life, technology, etc.

Guillotine Chic

2020-09-03 Wolf Paul

Written in an American context, but it is a warning we should heed in Europe as well – whether it be Brexiteers ascribing sinister motives to EU officials, Remainers dehumanizing Brexiteers, Hungarian “patriots” denouncing George Soros, the extreme right in Germany and Austria railing against refugees, (more…)

Whose sins do you confess?

2020-08-26 Wolf Paul

Not only in America:
«I find that people in America, the religious people, those who pride themselves on being the straight and narrow, I find universal among them, they’re confessing the other guy’s sin. This never pleased God. (more…)

Christians fighting over “justice”?

2020-08-24 Wolf Paul

On Scot McKnight‘s Jesus Creed blog David Fitch pushes back against an article by Tim Keller on on Justice. Fitch agrees with Keller that there is no universal standard of justice on which all Americans agree, (more…)

Are Satanists and Gays changing the text of the Bible?

2020-08-17 Wolf Paul

There is a post making the rounds on Facebook, being shared by concerned and well-meaning Christians, which claims that Harper-Collins owns the rights to the NIV and ESV and is intentionally altering the text of the Bible. (more…)

A lack of accountability

2020-08-08 Wolf Paul

CNN reports that Jerry Falwell Jr. has taken an indefinite leave of absence from Liberty University, at the request of the university board’s executive committee.


My Views on the Eucharist, or Lord’s Supper

2019-12-28 Wolf Paul

As an Evangelical Christian, currently attending a Baptist church in Vienna, Austria, I have for quite a while been bothered by the prevailing view of the Eucharist, or Lord’s Supper, in our circles. (more…)

Pachamama – Paganism in the Church?

2019-10-28 Wolf Paul

Some conservative Roman Catholics have displayed quite some anger and frustration over the use of some indigenous statues of a highly pregnant naked woman in some quasi-religious ceremonies and a display in a church, in the context of the Synod of the Amazon in Rome; (more…)

Decision Making and the Will of God

2019-10-24 Wolf Paul

I’ll admit it right at the outset: the title of this note is not original with me; it is borrowed from a book I read sometime in the 1980s and which massively influenced my thinking on this subject.


The Billy Graham Rule and supposed sexist discrimination

2019-07-23 Wolf Paul

I am fascinated by the discussion in the United States concerning the so-called “Billy Graham Rule” or “Pence Rule”. This rule, named after the late evangelist Billy Graham is the commitment by some married men, mostly in the public eye, not to be alone with woman other than their respective wives, in order to avoid a number of problems:


Intimate Worship in a Public Church Service?

2019-01-21 Wolf Paul

Recently I was drawn into two similar, strange discussions in one day.

First, in a conversation about taking pictures and filming in public church services someone said that being photographed or filmed during worship was irritating, since worship was such an intimate thing that it was almost like being photographed or filmed during sex.