Sounds Like Reign: Some Music for Christ the King Sunday

Wolf Paul, 2024-11-22

Multi-instrumentalist Brackin Kirkland together with his lovely wife Lindsay and their seven children (six boys and one girl) are a homeschooling, musically gifted Christian family who live in North Carolina and have been vlogging on YouTube since 2015. On “Sounds Like Reign” they present music videos to go with their albums (ten so far), and on “Tiny Notes from Home” until recently they shared the life of their family and also interviewed other families.

Sounds Like Reign’s music can also be found on Facebook and Spotify. On their web page all albums can be downloaded for free.

Two years ago they released an album “King Jesus” and I thought this would make suitable listening to accompany the Feast of Christ the King which many liturgical churches celebrate on the last Sunday of the church year, i.e this upcoming Sunday, November 24, 2024.

Crown Him With Many Crowns /
All Hail King Jesus

Humble King

Build My Life

Behold Our God

Before The Throne Of God Above

Is He Worthy

King Jesus — Complete Album

Here are Links to their other album playlists on Youtube:

Album: Arise, My Soul

Album: Shepherd Songs

Album: Silo Sessions

Album: Her Heart Sings

Album: Her Heart Sings, Vol. 2

Album: Little Pilgrim Songs

Album: Endless Praise

Album: Joy Comes

Album: Living Room Sessions