Austria Prays Together: Pentecost Novena 2021

Wolf Paul, 2021-05-01

During the nine days (hence novena1) from May 14 (Ascension Day) through May 22 (the Saturday before Pentecost/Whitsun) Christians of all different denominations are invited to unite in prayer for the country of Austria. On Wednesday, May 13, a video will be release introducing the novena.

In the evening of May 24 (Pentecost Monday) there will be a live-streamed prayer service with leaders of the major faith traditions in Austria (Roman Catholic, Lutheran/Reformed, Free Churches, Eastern Orthodox).

On each of the nine days a video will be released focusing on one of Austria’s nine provinces, and there is a 24/7 prayer calendar where both groups (churches, parishes, etc) and individuals can sign up to pray during specific one-hour slots.

More information can be found at the website “Österreich Betet Gemeinsam” as well as on social media (Facebook, Instagram).

  1. A novena is a nine day period of prayer. The word comes from the Latin for nine and is more familiar to Christians in liturgical churches than to those from the free churches.